Frequently Asked Questions

Boost Business Results provides you with the tools, framework, guidance and inspiration you need to take your business to the next level. Improve the performance of every aspect of your business – increase sales, become more profitable, and build a great team. It’s having your own confidant, personal trainer, business coach and mentor all in one, for you, your business and your team.

What do you know about my business or profession?

We have produced significant increases in profits in many businesses, ranging from sole traders to large businesses.
We know that you may be the best in the field of the business you do with your qualifications, yet the business of DOING business is what we can help you with.
What we do know, without question is… what all businesses must do to survive, thrive, and succeed. You will find that we’ve helped virtually every type of business in every industry available.
Size of the businesses doesn’t matter.
Our wide range of experience means that we are able work out an action plan for Your Business when getting started.

How do I know you can help me?

You don’t, yet our reputation and testimonials say we can.
We understand your concern and that’s why we can give the guarantee we do.
That way you have zero risk if you find that we can’t help you.

How much does Coaching cost?

Depending on the Program that best suits you. Some of our programs require a monthly or an annual commitment, while others are “business in a box” type products.
Whatever the program, you always get the customised support tailored specifically to your needs.

What does Business Coaching actually involve?

Our high impact business coaching involves (up to 4) business owners from the same business concurrently meeting live and face-to-face on the Zoom video conference platform with their Full Spectrum Business Coach and working with a scheduled approach in their selected program.

Before your first meeting with your Boost Coach you’ll complete a detailed questionnaire that clearly indicates and guides your Boost Coach along the best path to take with you. Your Boost Coach is trained in delivering what’s best for you and your business, and they may ask you some tough questions, and sometimes you might hear things you don’t want to hear.

Yet we’ve found that this brings the fastest and the best results. We take a strategic and systemic approach ensuring you get maximum leverage from each business development implementation you do.

At the end of each client/coach meeting there will be HomePlay and commitments made by you to your Coach; and also at times, by your coach to you.

How long does Business Coaching take?

Some programs are very quick. For others, who want strategic changes in their business taking their business to the next level, the process will occur over a longer period.
This will also depend on the manpower (staff or your own hours) you have to assist in completing Topics.
If you commit 1 hour a day you will to transform your business much quicker than the business owner that only focuses a minimum of 2 hours a week.
If you are not ready or not able to commit the time to work on your business, you are not ready to change your business.

How do I do this when my partner is not convinced?

So you might say
“I’ve read The E-Myth Revisited and I’ve heard Michael Gerber speak, and I have a business partner who has not and will not. I firmly believe in my entrepreneurial vision for our business and I passionately show it, yet my partner is not convinced.”
You might even go on to say…
“S/he prefers to do technical work (which other employees do and should do) and s/he swears by the adage… “If you want it done properly, then do it yourself” … and s/he does just that – working in the business, not on it!”
Or even further, you might add…
“My partner’s attitude and vision is definitely holding back our growth plans.”
And the Answer is…
Partners present challenges as well as opportunities. Partners can potentially have profound impacts on your business, your role in the business and in your life. Entering into a partnership should not be done without careful forethought and attention to detail.
There is wisdom in the old business adage:
“He who has a partner has a master.”
This may not be true in your case, but it highlights the point that in a partnership, some business questions will always require mutual evaluation before decisions can be made.
First and foremost, it’s critically important that you and your partner agree on a single vision for the business (we call it your Strategic Intent) and until you both are 100% committed to a single vision for the business, you’ll be working at cross-purposes. At best, it will be difficult to achieve your goals. At worst, you will end up distrusting one another and nothing will be accomplished. Make very sure that all partners are committed to a single vision for the business, and that they agree on the direction in which the business should go.
In general, strategic decisions that affect the business as a whole will require partner agreements, while tactical and operational decisions within individual areas of accountability may be made alone.
You and your business partner need to agree on the strategic, single vision and clear role definitions, or you need to agree to dissolve your partnership – too harsh a choice? … nup! Certainly not when compared to working for years at cross-purposes, towards different objectives, with opposing management methods and different definitions of progress.
Just imagine the chaos that could erupt if you and your partner made separate, incompatible decisions regarding an employee or a customer. Then multiply that disruptive potential by the number of employees, the number of customers, and the number of business cycles per year.
This is potential for more than ‘double trouble’, yet it’s reduced greatly – or even totally – if partners agree to work towards a single vision for the company – and they can, with their Boost Coach and with the appropriate Topics, guaranteed!

Can I hire a Business Coach for a short-term special project?

Of course you can!

Our Topics are directed in so many areas.

What we have found is when you change one thing; you see the benefit of making other changes.

So often, the next natural step is to continue the relationship after the original goal is achieved.

What is the difference between a Full Spectrum Coach and a Mainstream Coach?

MAINSTREAM COACHING is mostly better than DO IT YOURSELF coaching with books, courses and seminars because you have a coach, BUT it’s generally based on formulas and for the most part relies very heavily on the coach’s personal and business experience. There’s a plethora of mainstream coaches out there and history says the results are inconsistent and vary from coach to coach.

FULL SPECTRUM COACHING is specifically based on business and leadership principles, a structured approach, an attitude of partnership, a recognition of the client’s unique situation and abilities, and provides each coach/client relationship with a time proven full spectrum business development structure.

At Boost Business Results, we understand business and we understand how people think. It’s easy to pull the pin when the going gets tough, yet it’s outstanding when you have a coach that can pull you out of the “blues” and catapult you into awareness and get you back on track; in fact every single client goes through this stage – it’s a natural part of the process. We commit to holding your ‘feet to the coals’ whilst always ‘holding your hand’ along the way.

Improvement is easy.

Most life and business coaches will help you improve.

But if what you really want is to “be all you can be” it takes Full Spectrum Coaching.

What is your availability to help my business?

Not everyone who applies for this coaching is accepted.

At times you may have to wait for several months for a vacancy with a coach.

We are continually growing our Coaching Practice – it takes a good 2-3 years to produce a coach to meet our standards.

How can I do this when I'm already too busy to do the things I know that I need to do?

Being in business is demanding and time-consuming and what time you have must be used efficiently. Each Topic is available to stream on video in workshop format – at any time, any-where!

We make it even easier for you, because we know how… as we’re also in business! With staff too! So from this, together with the Topics and your Coach, you’ll be able to simply implement the strategies in your business and lead your employees. The Topics are so easy to follow.

When you undertake coaching, you are making as much of a commitment as we do in providing the coaching. It doesn’t matter how good we are, if you are not ready to commit to spend time to work on your business, rather than in it, you’re not ready for coaching. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’re going to continue to get what you’ve always GOT!

Hmmm not happy with that – Well it’s TIME you made time to get what you want – and we have tools which directly assist you with that too!

If you want to – we have the tools, Guaranteed!

How do I implement a management system with 25 or more employees, who have all been creating their own form of unpredictability?

And you might also ask…

“How do I get my people to do what I want?”

The answer that we give is the same whether you have 2,000 employees, 25 employees or 2 employees: “You can’t! You can’t get your people to DO anything!”

The core viewpoint behind both Michael Gerber’s E-Myth and Full Spectrum Coaching on Management is the idea that businesses should be systems-dependent, NOT people-dependent.

The secret of successful business management – successful people management – is systemization.

Systems free your people to pay attention to the things that matter while all the routine things take care of themselves.

Systems raise the level of performance of your people.

Our management strategy is the same for companies with 2 employees, with 25 employees, 250 employees, or even with 2,000 or more employees!

That being said, business owners have to create an environment for these systems in which doing it is more important to your people than NOT doing it. A place where doing it well becomes a way of life for them.

Employees have an opportunity to make a choice, the RIGHT choice.

Ensure that all of your employees understand the IDEA behind the work they’re asked to do. Get your employees excited and get their “buy-in” by expressing intentionally and specifically what the idea behind the work is, which is more important than the work itself.

Look for “players in your game” and your first step is to COMMUNICATE to them about what the rules of the game are by sharing with them the IDEA behind your business.

You, as the business owner, must take full accountability for what’s going on in your business in the area of management.

If you create a game worth playing, communicate and support employees who are excited about the game, and continue to improve the rules of the game, your business WILL consistently be a winning game for everyone involved in it – including you!