What Keeps You Awake at Night?

How do others find time for their family, hobbies and exercise…
… and still remain high achieving business owners

I work longer and harder and I own the company!
How come I’m not the highest paid employee in my company?

I’m over always checking, looking, asking, fixing, correcting and tidying up after others…
How do I STOP doing the work that they are paid to do?

Always “on the run” and they go home at the end of each day!
How do I get FREE of working at night and on the weekends?
Take Control of Your Business

Get More Life

Enjoy Family

Enjoy Strategy

Enjoy Success

Enjoy Structure
Understand the Full Spectrum Business Pyramid

The Full Spectrum Business Pyramid
The Full Spectrum Business Pyramid is designed around the structure of the business itself, so our starting point for the definition of a business is…
A business is a system
for providing
value to customers
There are four Foundational Systems because they form the “foundation” of the business.
There are many other levels of systems, and we’ll get to all of them in a while.

Customer Focused Systems
“getting customers” and “satisfying customers” are identified as the two triangles in the middle of the large pyramid.
They are the marketing and production functions of the business.
These two customer focused systems deliver value to customers and are the engine that creates profits and the market value of the business itself.
Notice that they form a diamond shape.
We call this the “value diamond” because it’s here that the business generates value.

Business Focused Systems
“running the business” and “supporting the business” are identified as the two triangles at the base of the large pyramid.
They are the management and resources
functions of the business.
These two business focused systems support the business overall and enable the value diamond to actually deliver value to customers.
We call these two business focused functions the “pillars of support.”
The value diamond couldn’t stand upright if the pillars of support were not there to hold them up.
Within these 4 Foundational Systems are 10 Strategic Systems
And they are universal to all businesses
These are “strategic” systems because they form major parts of the business.
The ability of the business to achieve its Strategic Intent depends on all of the Strategic Systems to function at high levels of effectiveness.
The expanded pyramid diagram below shows these 10 systems in more detail.
Some of the terms we use may be unfamiliar to you,
and we use them for a specific purpose.

Marketing Relationships are all those activities that happen when a connection has been made – sales, customer information, demonstrations, and any other activity that is interactive with customers and potential customers.

Humane Resources is more than a play on the word humane. It is a reminder that, while one view of the people of the business is that of productive assets to be deployed where they’ll be most effective, people must first and foremost be valued as individuals deserving of respect and compassion.

Systematics is an expansion of the word “systematic” and means the management practice of developing, installing, and monitoring business systems.
The Ten Strategic Systems

Marketing Systems
Market Research is work that enables you to understand markets, select your target markets, and determine your target customers’ needs.
Marketing Reach is work that enables you to reach your target markets through the right channels with messages that will attract and persuade them.
Marketing Relationships (work that interacts directly with potential customers, converts them to actual customers, and then manages customer relationships).
Production Systems
Production is work you do where you are performing services, and/or making, manufacturing or buying products
for sale.
Delivery is work you do where you are getting your services or goods into the hands of your customers – delivering on your promise.

Production Systems
Production is work you do where you are performing services, and/or making, manufacturing or buying products
for sale.
Delivery is work you do where you are getting your services or goods into the hands of your customers – delivering on your promise.

Management Systems
Leadership is work you do that establishes strategy and business plans, builds the business culture, inspires the business’s people to do their best for customers, the business, and themselves; being a creative force in the business.
Supervision is the work of overseeing and mentoring the people in the business.
It’s developing the people and finding the effective balance of autonomy and micro-management.
We make the best use of the people in the business, with an effective system of rewards and discipline that taps into the motivations of people.
Systematics is working with employees to create systematic processes for doing the work of the business, and organizing the business and its systems.
We view the business first as a system of systems, and second as a network of people.
We approach problems as opportunities for creating effective systems rather than occasions for blame and punishment.
Resource Management Systems
Financial Resources is where you manage the business’s money and you report its financial results to management and other interested parties, or “stakeholders”.
Humane Resources is getting, developing, evaluating, compensating, and disciplining the people needed to operate the business.
Business Resources is where you provide and manage the facilities, supplies, technology support, management information, and other services needed to run the business effectively.

Resource Management Systems
Humane Resources is getting, developing, evaluating, compensating, and disciplining the people needed to operate the business.
Business Resources is where you provide and manage the facilities, supplies, technology support, management information, and other services needed to run the business effectively.
Top Ten Full Spectrum Principles
■ Systemise the business
■ Deliver full spectrum value
■ The 80/20 rule…
leverage yourself and your resources
■ Apply principles not formulas
■ Think with your whole mind
■ Define success
■ Focus on results
■ Use your double vision
■ Keep a healthy perspective
Coaching is the KEY
The Boost Full Spectrum Company Development system is fully flexible.
You can use the Topics in any lesson sequence and combination that makes sense for you, your business, your situation, and your strengths and weaknesses.
We believe – and our collective hundreds of years of worldwide experience prove – that a good personal coach with a structured and complete curriculum makes all the difference in developing your business.
History says that you will want specific business coaching, just for you…
It’s a big responsibility to claim to be “the best in the business” however, that’s our claim, and we’re up to the challenge.

Book a 20-Min Strategy SESSION with Don

Coaching Lessonology
Boost’s Full Spectrum Company Development program is the most comprehensive, flexible, effective and efficient business development program available in the market-place.
Overall, it’s your best emotional investment and also your best investment of both your time and your money.
Working one-on-one with your own personal coach and meet by live interactive video conference at least 4 times a month, with a guarantee of at least 48 meetings per year.
With more than 60 Topics, history says you would expect to complete the entire Program in approximately 18 months and your investment is a fixed monthly access fee agreed for the duration of your journey.
This is where you have purpose.
This is where you become the strategic leader. It’s where you get to fully understand. It’s where you provide and manage the facilities, supplies, technology support, management information, and other services needed to run the business effectively.
What is Full Spectrum business development
It requires both business / company development and person development
The Full Spectrum Program aligns with the Top Ten Full Spectrum Principles and the Business Pyramid.
As you’ll see, the Full Spectrum Program has over sixty “Topics” or lessons.
These Topics cover all parts of business and help you develop different and specific business systems.
Together, all Topics cover your entire business.
The dynamic Full Spectrum Boost Camp program and training is under continual development with lessons and support materials being enhanced frequently.
As you get familiar with the subjects, you’ll get a sense of how you and your business and how all the people in your business could easily make great leaps forward improving in each area covered in these Topics.

What is Full Spectrum business development
It requires both business / company development and person development
The Full Spectrum Program aligns with the Top Ten Full Spectrum Principles and the Business Pyramid.
As you’ll see, the Full Spectrum Program has over sixty “Topics” or lessons.
These Topics cover all parts of business and help you develop different and specific business systems.
Together, all Topics cover your entire business.
The dynamic Full Spectrum Boost Camp program and training is under continual development with lessons and support materials being enhanced frequently.
As you get familiar with the subjects, you’ll get a sense of how you and your business and how all the people in your business could easily make great leaps forward improving in each area covered in these Topics.
Boost business results

Our Dream
To empower people in business to
Get More Life!

Our Vision
To provide a Direct Support Gateway to accelerate the development and growth of businesses…
Passing subsequent returns on to the owners and their teams, with a ripple effect through their families, friends and into their local community.

Our Purpose
To provide a stable foundation on which to drive sustainable and rapid growth…
To generate a viable and positive return for all Primary Influencers.

Our Mission
To operate a simple and Dynamic Living Business Model for people in business to use…
So they can observe, learn, understand, and competently maintain their own controlled economic growth.

Don Farnden
Lead Master Coach
Mentor and Facilitator
Don Farnden, Australia’s #1 Small Business Guru, is a Master of Boosting Business.
He is acknowledged as a unique and distinctive expert in the fields of small and medium business and company development techniques, business performance enhancement, and in maximizing the business owner’s personal performance and most precious asset * TIME *
Don is the Founder of Boost Business Results and the creator of the “Full Spectrum Boost Camp” series of Workshops.
He is a Co-Founder and a Director of the Alliance for Enterprise Leadership Inc. AEL is the global owner of the Full Spectrum Business Development Program.

Alex Alexander
History of the
Full Spectrum Company
by Alex Alexander
Our roots trace back to Michael E. Gerber, of E-Myth fame, who was the foremost pioneer in the field of business coaching.
Alex was the author of Michael E. Gerber’s E-Myth Mastery Business Development Program and is the author of the Full Spectrum Business Development Program.
He is a Co-Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the Alliance for Enterprise Leadership Inc (AEL).
AEL is the global owner of the intellectual property of the Full Spectrum Business Development Program.